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A Note of Thanks

Dear St. Teresa of Calcutta Parishioners,

“I am not good at two things: one is dancing; another is fundraising. So, please give what you can .” Monsignor Toner, my beloved pastor, used to say this every time he asked for money. I too can say the same, because I am not good at dancing or asking for money.

However, I don’t need to worry. You never allow me to ask you for money; you give even before I ask. Thank you, parishioners.

 As this pandemic started, I began to worry if enough income would come in to maintain the parish. To my astonishment, a huge number of envelopes are mailed in each week and online donations have almost tripled. People do feel the parish needs and give voluntarily without being asked. God’s providence comes through people’s generosity.

I thank you for your virtual participation in the Mass and daily prayers as a way of being in communion with all parishioners. My gratitude goes to the volunteers who are making face masks for the parishioners.

Our churches are open for private prayers from 8.30 am to 4 pm. We hope and pray for the end of this pandemic and the reopening of our churches soon. Until then, keep safe, keep the faith, be peaceful and helpful. May God bless you and your family!


Fr. Peter


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