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For the Holy Week

For the first time in our personal history, the Holy week is going to be celebrated within closed doors in our churches. During the persecution the church went underground. Through this Holy week we are isolated – almost homebound; yet, we are connected very closely online. Coronavirus separates us; but technology brings us together. So, videos of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Easter vigil, Easter Sunday Masses and Good Friday service will be posted on the website. I request you to join as one parish family by participating in the online services.

From your (people of God) point of view, we will celebrate the Holy week with Palm Sunday without palms, Holy Thursday without washing of the feet, Good Friday without veneration of the cross, Easter vigil without candles and Easter Sunday without springing of the holy water. This experience will be new.  

Holy week is a strong spiritual feeling – feeling one with Jesus Christ. Palm Sunday marks the triumphant entry. Be happy and join the people of Jerusalem who received Jesus in jubilation. They acclaimed him as ‘Son of David;’ we will praise him as the ‘Son of God.’ Through the day read psalms 24 and 47.

Holy Thursday celebrates two sacraments: the Holy Eucharist and the Priesthood. It also inculcates in us the virtue of humility and service. There will be no washing of the feet nor the procession of the Blessed Sacrament during the Mass. Feel one with the Lord by contemplating on the agony in the garden, arrest of Jesus and his humiliation by the chief priests and leaders. 

On Good Friday meditate on the passion of the Lord, his death and burial. The judgment by Pilate, scourging, crowing of thorns, way of the cross, crucifixion and death of Jesus are to be contemplated.  Join Pope Francis in prayer and receive his extraordinary “Urbi et orbi” (To the city and to the world) blessing and plenary indulgence at 6 pm Rome time. That is a day of fasting and abstinence. Read the passion of the lord from any gospel and psalms 22 and 51. For your meditation reflect on this homily of St. John Chrysostom.

On Holy Saturday the Church waits at the Lord's tomb in prayer and fasting, meditating on his Passion and Death and on his Descent into sheol, and awaiting his Resurrection. For your meditation reflect on this ancient homily.

Easter vigil is the festival of light. The paschal candle will be blessed and lit. Please light a candle in your house and pray for you and the world. May this light dispel darkness, sin and death and especially the crisis of coronavirus! Read the resurrection account from any gospel and psalms 15, 16, 42 and 118. 

Easter Sunday is the victory of Jesus over sin and death. Jesus Christ gave us on this day salvation. Be joyful, eat well and thank God for all the blessings.

When Jesus died the world thought that his life and teachings would be buried with Him. But on the third day He rose and with Him came to life his teachings. The original Easter challenged sin and death: Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” May this Easter resurrect our hope that we may say, Where, O virus, is your victory? Where, O covid-19, is your sting?”

May God bless the world, the United States of America and you and your family!


  • Suzanne CadrainPosted on 3/31/20

    It's been such a blessing to be able to see you and the deacons in prayer and celebrating mass. Thank you for this peace!
    Stay well and have a joyous Easter!

  • Laureen FlynnPosted on 3/31/20

    Father Peter
    Thank you for the daily prayer and masses online. Don and I wish you a blessed Easter and God willing we all will be together soon. Please keep our son Zakh, who is in NYC, in your prayers. Thank you



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